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Foundations of Prevention
Science and 

The APSI Foundation courses provide a training opportunity for prevention coordinators, program managers/supervisors, frontline implementers and students/trainees that are involved in planning for implementing community prevention interventions and/or policies. Built on an evidence-based community systems framework, the content is organised into the following eight courses that encompass the prevention knowledge, skills and competences needed for today's prevention professionals.


Check out our courses below and our training plans.   

Course 1

Building the Framework for Evidence Based Prevention Science and Practice

Course 5

Building Evidence-based Prevention with with Environmental Policies and Strategies

Course 2

Building Evidence-based Prevention in Families


Course 6

Building Evidence-based Prevention through the Media


Course 3

Building Evidence-based Prevention in Schools


Course 7

Building Evidence-based Prevention Implementation Systems in the Community

Course 4

Building Evidence-based Prevention in the Workplace

Course 8

Building Montoring and Evaluation Systems for Evidence-based Prevention Interventions

Training Participants share their learning and experience with us... 

“Being new to prevention, one thing I learned…was the etiology model. I plan to use that in my work when determining risk and protective factors.” 

“One thing I learned is the importance of each step in the community-based implementation process.” 

"Stating clear objectives of what I expect to get as a result of a meeting . I have seen that done but have no objectives myself. I now realize how valuable that is"



© 2020 Copyright by Applied Prevention Science International (APSI)

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