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Susan David   

Susan B. David, M.P.H., collaborated with Dr. Zili Sloboda, APSI President, in the design and development of the UPC series and coordinated the publications production side of the effort. She also coauthored several of the UPC curricula. Ms. David has been working in substance abuse prevention and research since 1970 when she began her Federal career at the U. S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). There, she began work in developing publications and disseminating information and progressed to becoming Public Affairs Director, producing a wide-range of communication programs. These included multi-media campaigns, pamphlets, posters, and videos designed to educate the public and professionals on research-based information on drug use and drug-related HIV/AIDS. She directed campaigns to: Educate parents and young people about the dangers of illegal drugs; promote the need for treatment; and communicate the consequences of HIV/AIDS and drug. Several campaigns involved educational outreach and training of community groups to encourage dissemination of prevention messages and events. She also directed the development of training manuals and videos for prevention and treatment professionals. Ms. David then joined Dr. Sloboda’s research division at NIDA to head up an expansion of NIDA communications research to examine the ability of the mass media to prevent the initiation and use of illegal drugs, cigarette smoking and youth violence. She also coordinated the impact evaluation of the White House National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign to measure the long term impact of the campaign on parents and youth. With Dr. Sloboda, she co authored Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents: A Research-based Guide, [known as the Red Book], 1997, to help substance abuse prevention practitioners implement evidence-based programs. As a consultant, she updated and edited the revision of the publication in 2003. Since leaving NIDA in 2002, Ms. David has undertaken a career as a Public Health Consultant working on projects involving an updated data system, the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN); an American Psychological Association (APA) violence prevention campaign; publications development; and an outreach project for NIDA’s research networks.



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