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Christina Gynnå Oguz

Christina Gynnå Oguz is a former policy maker with long- standing experience from national government positions as well as UN positions, Nordic, European and international affairs, and civil society collaboration. She has been exposed to and responsible for key demand reduction areas such as drug policy, drug use epidemiology, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. She is an experienced communicator, lecturer, moderator and negotiator and has extensive experience in dealing with media. She is a former Director at the Swedish Ministry of Health & Social Welfare with responsibility for social work, child abuse and neglect, alcohol and drug policy, including the preparation of strategies and action plans as well as instructions for government agencies and financial support of research. She has also served as Deputy National Drug Policy Coordinator for Sweden. Her EU experiences include membership of the Management Board of the European Monitoring Centre for Dugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and chairing the EU Council Working Party on Drugs during two Swedish EU presidencies. The main goals of the working party are preparation of drug strategies, EU action plans and other relevant documents in the field of drugs; information exchange on national drug policies and drug-related issues among EU member states; and coordination of action taken by member states in the EU and abroad. She has worked almost eight years for the UN, first as Head of the Demand Reduction Section at UNODC Headquarters in Vienna and later as UNODC Country Representative in Afghanistan. In terms of international affairs she has served as Permanent Correspondent to the Council of Europe Pompidou Group whose core mission is to contribute to the development of multidisciplinary, innovative, effective and evidence- based drug policies in its member states. She has been Head of Delegation to the Drugs Committee of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and the UN Commission on Social Development. She has also chaired the Nordic Council of Ministers Committee of Senior Officials for Health and Social Affairs.

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